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Get item search conditions


Obtains search conditions(search_conditions) to narrow down the list of items.



Request URL Format


URL Params

app-id      : Application ID(Specify the ID entered from the Hexabase screen)
datastore-id : Data store ID(Specify the ID entered from the Hexabase screen)

Query Params


Request URL Sample


Response Description

  • Fields that can be used as search criteria are returned in the result array.
  • The format differs depending on the data type of the fields included in the return value.

#### Text type

"f_id": "5cd3bde184f4be5808a6b3a6", // Field ID
"name": "タイトル", // Field Name
"display_id": "Fld-eAXmZhXn",  // Display ID of field
"data_type": "text", //Data type
"order": 0 // Display order

Choice type

  • Choice types: choice, checkbox, radio button
"f_id": "5cd3bde184f4be5808a6b3a8",
"name": "カテゴリ",
"display_id": "Fld-BLoaNKjo",
"data_type": "select",
"order": 2,
"options": [
"option_id": "5cd3bde884f4be40c092ecc3",
"sort_id": 0,
"value": "C",
"enabled": true,
"color": ""
"option_id": "5cd3bde884f4be40c092ecc4",
"sort_id": 1,
"value": "B",
"enabled": true,
"color": ""
"option_id": "5cd3bde884f4be40c092ecc5",
"sort_id": 2,
"value": "A",
"enabled": true,
"color": ""

Status type

"f_id": "5cd3bde184f4be5808a6b3a9",
"name": "ステータス",
"display_id": "Fld-xjKEyppI",
"data_type": "status",
"order": 3,
"statuses": [
"status_id": "5cd3bde284f4be5808a6b3ad",
"status_name": "新規"
"status_id": "5cd3bde284f4be5808a6b3ae",
"status_name": "受付"
"status_id": "5cd3bde284f4be5808a6b3b0",
"status_name": "作業中"
"status_id": "5cd3bde284f4be5808a6b3af",
"status_name": "確認"
"status_id": "5cd3bde284f4be5808a6b3ac",
"status_name": "完了"

Database reference type

  • The database reference type includes the referenced database ID and field ID.
"f_id": "5ec0cdf5aa39551a401f6525",
"name": "DB参照",
"display_id": "LookUP",
"data_type": "dslookup",
"order": 11,
"ds_lookup_info": {
"dslookup_project_id": "5c6363d984f4be7de0350445",
"dslookup_datastore_id": "5cc25d1e84f4be574418d580",
"dslookup_field_id": "5cfe3cc7aa39554fac8c1d0a"

User type

  • If single_selectin the user type field is true, it means a type that selects a single user.
  • If false, it means a type that allows multiple users to be selected.
"f_id": "5ec0afa8aa39551a401f6524",
"name": "ユーザー選択",
"display_id": "Fld-M9kSDGIY",
"data_type": "users",
"order": 10,
"users_info": {
"single_select": false

Response Sample

"has_error": false,
"result": [
"f_id": "5cd3bde184f4be5808a6b3a6",
"name": "タイトル",
"display_id": "Fld-eAXmZhXn",
"data_type": "text",
"order": 0
"f_id": "5cd3bde184f4be5808a6b3a7",
"name": "担当",
"display_id": "Fld-d0g8UE7D",
"data_type": "text",
"order": 1
"f_id": "5cd3bde184f4be5808a6b3a8",
"name": "カテゴリ",
"display_id": "Fld-BLoaNKjo",
"data_type": "select",
"order": 2,
"options": [
"option_id": "5cd3bde884f4be40c092ecc3",
"sort_id": 0,
"value": "C",
"enabled": true,
"color": ""
"option_id": "5cd3bde884f4be40c092ecc4",
"sort_id": 1,
"value": "B",
"enabled": true,
"color": ""
"option_id": "5cd3bde884f4be40c092ecc5",
"sort_id": 2,
"value": "A",
"enabled": true,
"color": ""
"f_id": "5cd3bde184f4be5808a6b3a9",
"name": "ステータス",
"display_id": "Fld-xjKEyppI",
"data_type": "status",
"order": 3,
"statuses": [
"status_id": "5cd3bde284f4be5808a6b3ad",
"status_name": "新規"
"status_id": "5cd3bde284f4be5808a6b3ae",
"status_name": "受付"
"status_id": "5cd3bde284f4be5808a6b3b0",
"status_name": "作業中"
"status_id": "5cd3bde284f4be5808a6b3af",
"status_name": "確認"
"status_id": "5cd3bde284f4be5808a6b3ac",
"status_name": "完了"
"f_id": "5cd3bde184f4be5808a6b3aa",
"name": "期限",
"display_id": "Fld-NdC29Im0",
"data_type": "date",
"order": 4
"f_id": "5cda5af384f4bec92c8b8d04",
"name": "NoCalc",
"display_id": "Fld-r2uIjvTP",
"data_type": "calc",
"order": 5
"f_id": "5eaf90c5aa39556034e0db8c",
"name": "AutoNo",
"display_id": "AutoNo",
"data_type": "autonum",
"order": 7
"f_id": "5ebb5f04aa3955f14cd71cba",
"name": "CheckBox",
"display_id": "Fld-v8ezNQB9",
"data_type": "checkbox",
"order": 8,
"options": [
"option_id": "4b724fcb-3dec-4fde-b211-f8f89fa50b53",
"sort_id": 0,
"value": "111",
"enabled": true,
"color": ""
"option_id": "511d9ee8-9062-4ebf-94d0-b40f6b614796",
"sort_id": 2,
"value": "333",
"enabled": true,
"color": ""
"option_id": "a1fc544f-eb05-40b0-9cf4-aa4823c5fa05",
"sort_id": 1,
"value": "222",
"enabled": true,
"color": ""
"f_id": "5ec0814caa3955e3e4374062",
"name": "枝番",
"display_id": "Branch-No",
"data_type": "autonum",
"order": 9
"f_id": "5ec0afa8aa39551a401f6524",
"name": "ユーザー選択",
"display_id": "Fld-M9kSDGIY",
"data_type": "users",
"order": 10,
"users_info": {
"single_select": false
"f_id": "5ec0cdf5aa39551a401f6525",
"name": "DB参照",
"display_id": "LookUP",
"data_type": "dslookup",
"order": 11,
"ds_lookup_info": {
"dslookup_project_id": "5c6363d984f4be7de0350445",
"dslookup_datastore_id": "5cc25d1e84f4be574418d580",
"dslookup_field_id": "5cfe3cc7aa39554fac8c1d0a"
"f_id": "5ec0d7bdaa395579586f7ca1",
"name": "日付範囲",
"display_id": "Fld-u3PpPmne",
"data_type": "date",
"order": 12,
"max_value": "2020-09-24T15:00:00.000Z",
"min_value": "2020-04-30T15:00:00.000Z"
"f_id": "5ec0d7d1aa395579586f7ca2",
"name": "数値範囲",
"display_id": "Fld-zXHEV5Rl",
"data_type": "number",
"order": 13,
"max_value": "99",
"min_value": "10"