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Get detailed information about the item and the action list


Obtains information about the specified item (fields, status, actions, etc.).



1. When using Display ID

Request URL Sample


URL Params

app-id          : ApplicationID(ID entered from Hexabase screen or internal ID [p_id])
datastore-id : Data storeID(ID entered from Hexabase screen or internal ID [d_id])
item-id : Item ID

2. When specifying the internal data store ID (d_id)

Request URL Sample


URL Params

datastore-id  :  Data store ID  (d_id)
item-id : Item ID

Query Params

format                : If "map" is specified, the result of field_values is returned in the form of a Display ID map
use_display_id : If true, the result is returned using the Display ID. (format="map" is applied)

include_linked_items : If true is specified, related item list data is included. If use_display_id=true or format=map, returned in display ID format
include_lookups    : If true is specified, even data of database reference type Item is included
return_number_value : If true is specified when there are related items or database reference details (if include_linked_items:true or include_lookups:true), the numeric type data is output as a Number (by default, the numeric value of the related item is returned as a string "123").

Response Sample

"title": "TaskA2233",
"rev_no": 20,
"created_at": "2021-11-03T15:29:38.316Z",
"created_by": "username test",
"updated_at": "2021-11-03T16:26:21.119Z",
"updated_by": "username test",
"field_values": {
"Assignee": {
"field_id": "Assignee",
"field_name": "担当",
"dataType": "text",
"value": "X223322323",
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"sizeY": 1,
"col": 0,
"row": 2
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"dataType": "autonum",
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"col": 0,
"row": 4
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"field_id": "Category",
"field_name": "カテゴリ",
"dataType": "select",
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"field_name": "Checkbox",
"dataType": "checkbox",
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"field_id": "DateTime",
"field_name": "DateTime",
"dataType": "datetime",
"value": "2020-12-24T23:59:59Z",
"sizeX": 5,
"sizeY": 1,
"col": 5,
"row": 4
"DueDate": {
"field_id": "DueDate",
"field_name": "期限",
"dataType": "date",
"value": "2020-12-24T03:00:00Z",
"sizeX": 5,
"sizeY": 1,
"col": 7,
"row": 1
"Fld-6V4agAYX": {
"field_id": "Fld-6V4agAYX",
"field_name": "AttachedFileA",
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"value": null,
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"row": 6
"Fld-cPfc91aX": {
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"email": "[email protected]",
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"value": "Closed",
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"sizeY": 0,
"col": 0,
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"value": "TaskA2233",
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"col": 0,
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"Assigned": {
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"s_id": "5f38a11baa39556e74845a40",
"status_name": "受付"
"Closed": {
"status_id": "Closed",
"s_id": "5f38a11baa39556e74845a3e",
"status_name": "完了"
"InProgress": {
"status_id": "InProgress",
"s_id": "5f38a11baa39556e74845a42",
"status_name": "作業中"
"InReview": {
"status_id": "InReview",
"s_id": "5f38a11baa39556e74845a41",
"status_name": "確認"
"New": {
"status_id": "New",
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"status_name": "新規"
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"action_name": "確認中へ戻す",
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"CopyItem": {
"action_id": "CopyItem",
"a_id": "5f38a11daa39556e74845a4c",
"action_name": "コピーして新規登録する",
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"crud_type": "4"
"CreateItem": {
"action_id": "CreateItem",
"a_id": "5f38a11daa39556e74845a4d",
"action_name": "新しいデータを登録する",
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"crud_type": "1"
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"action_id": "DeleteItem",
"a_id": "5f38a11eaa39556e74845a4f",
"action_name": "このデータを削除する",
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"a_id": "5f38a11daa39556e74845a4b",
"action_name": "内容を更新する",
"display_order": 0,
"crud_type": "2"
"status_order": [ // return status order
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"item_action_order": [

2. use_display_id: true + include_linked_items: true の例

"title": "Title sample AA",
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"created_by": "username test",
"updated_at": "2021-11-03T16:26:21.119Z",
"updated_by": "username test",
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"status_name": "受付"
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"Category": "A",
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"Title": "タスクB",
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"updated_at": "2021-01-22T07:50:24Z",
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"unique": false
"items": [
"Fld-DtS3DOcO": "サンプルデータ",
"Fld-cwCrrWGn": "ステータス1",
"created_at": "2020-08-02T04:05:16Z",
"created_by": "IMPORT",
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"rev_no": "1",
"status_id": "5f263b7628dc5c5dcc669037",
"title": "サンプルデータ"
"Fld-DtS3DOcO": "サンプルデータ",
"Fld-cwCrrWGn": "ステータス2",
"Lookup1": "3",
"created_at": "2020-08-02T04:05:16Z",
"created_by": "IMPORT",
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"title": "サンプルデータ",
"updated_at": "2021-01-30T16:51:55Z",
"updated_by": "5f25952c28dc5c55b463bc76"
"status_order": [
"status_action_order": [
"item_action_order": [

3. Examples of database reference types include_lookups=true

"title": "Title sample AA",
"rev_no": 10,
"created_at": "2021-11-03T15:29:38.316Z",
"created_by": "username test",
"updated_at": "2021-11-03T16:26:21.119Z",
"updated_by": "username test",
"field_values": {
"Assignee": {
"field_id": "Assignee",
"field_name": "担当",
"dataType": "text",
"value": "",
"sizeX": 6,
"sizeY": 1,
"col": 0,
"row": 2
"AutoNum1": {
"field_id": "AutoNum1",
"field_name": "AutoNumber1",
"dataType": "autonum",
"value": "PREFIX_4",
"sizeX": 5,
"sizeY": 1,
"col": 0,
"row": 4
"LU2": { // LookUp field
"field_id": "LU2",
"field_name": "LU2",
"dataType": "dslookup",
"value": {
"d_id": "5f38b0afaa395581685afdf6",
"item_id": "5f38b0b6aa395581685afe02",
"lookup_item": { // added lookup_item
"Assignee": "Y",
"Category": "",
"DueDate": "2015-12-31T15:00:00Z",
"Fld-tSWAyL4f": "0",
"Status": "受付",
"Title": "タスクB",
"created_at": "2020-08-16T04:06:14Z",
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"rev_no": "2",
"status_id": "5f38b0afaa39558bfca2963e",
"title": "タスクB",
"updated_at": "2021-01-22T07:50:24Z",
"updated_by": "5f25952c28dc5c55b463bc76"
"title": "タスクB"
"sizeX": 5,
"sizeY": 1,
"col": 5,
"row": 5
"Lookup1": {
"field_id": "Lookup1",
"field_name": "Lookup1",
"dataType": "dslookup",
"value": {
"d_id": "5f38b0afaa395581685afdf6",
"item_id": "5f38b0b6aa395581685afdff",
"lookup_item": { // added lookup_item
"Assignee": "X",
"Category": "",
"DueDate": "2015-12-31T15:00:00Z",
"Fld-tSWAyL4f": "3",
"LookupMySelf": "3",
"Status": "完了",
"Title": "タスクE",
"created_at": "2020-08-16T04:06:14Z",
"created_by": "IMPORT",
"d_id": "5f38b0afaa395581685afdf6",
"i_id": "5f38b0b6aa395581685afdff",
"lookup_items": { // lookup_item in lookup_item (limited by 2 times per datastore)
"LookupMySelf": {
"Assignee": "X",
"Category": "B",
"DueDate": "2015-12-31T15:00:00Z",
"Fld-tSWAyL4f": "3",
"LookupMySelf": "5f38b0b6aa395581685afdff",
"Title": "タスクE",
"created_at": "2020-08-16T04:06:14Z",
"created_by": "IMPORT",
"d_id": "5f38b0afaa395581685afdf6",
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"p_id": "5f25956528dc5c55b463bc7b",
"rev_no": "4",
"status_id": "5f38b0afaa39558bfca2963c",
"title": "タスクE",
"updated_at": "2021-01-22T17:10:37Z",
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"p_id": "5f25956528dc5c55b463bc7b",
"rev_no": "4",
"status_id": "5f38b0afaa39558bfca2963c",
"title": "タスクE",
"updated_at": "2021-01-22T17:10:37Z",
"updated_by": "5f25952c28dc5c55b463bc76"
"title": "タスクE"
"sizeX": 5,
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"col": 0,
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"Category": {
"status_list": {
"Assigned": {
"status_id": "Assigned",
"s_id": "5f38a11baa39556e74845a40",
"status_name": "受付"
"Closed": {
"status_id": "Closed",
"s_id": "5f38a11baa39556e74845a3e",
"status_name": "完了"
"status_actions": {
"BackToNew": {
"action_id": "BackToNew",
"a_id": "5f38a11daa39556e74845a48",
"action_name": "新規へ戻す",
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"CopyItem": {
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"action_name": "コピーして新規登録する",
"display_order": 0,
"crud_type": "4"

4. When using an internal ID (no parameters)

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  • When an error occurs, an error is returned as follows。
  • Please referherefor error codes。

No corresponding item was found

  • A NOT_FOUND error is returned if the ItemID is incorrect, deleted, or you do not have access to that Item.
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