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Workspace API

APIs related to workspaces


  • This is an API to operate workspaces, such as obtaining a list of available workspaces and selecting them.
  • Logged-in users must select one workspace (two or more cannot be selected at the same time).
  • To create a new workspace, you must first receive permission from your administrator. Please check with your service provider for details.


NoAPI NameMethodURIDescription
1GetWorkspacesGET/api/v0/workspacesGet a list of workspaces
2SelectWorkspacePOST/api/v0/workspaces/:workspace-id/selectSelect the current workspace
3CreateNewWorkspacePOST/api/v0/workspacesCreate a new workspace
5GetPasswordPolicyGET/api/v0/workspaces/:workspace-id/password-policyGet the password policy specified for a workspace
6GetWorkspaceUsageGET/api/v0/workspaces/:workspace-id/usagesObtain workspace usage status (number of users, number of DBs, etc.)
7GetWorkspaceFunctionalityGET/api/v0/workspaces/:workspace-id/functionalitiesGet the feature settings available to a workspace
8GetUserCodeSettingsGET/api/v0/workspaces/:workspace-id/usercode-settingsGet the user code settings specified for a workspace
9GetWorkspaceSettingsGET/api/v0/workspaces/:workspace-idGet each setting specified for a workspace