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Get a list of users in the specified group


Gets a list of users in the specified group.



Request URL Format


URL Params

group-id :  Group ID

Query Param

recursive        : bool  //Traverse down the group hierarchy to retrieve all users who belong to it.
username : Specify the username of the user you want to search for.
email : Specify the email of the user you want to search for.
user_code : Specify the user_code of the user you want to search for.
limit : Default is 100. 100 or less can be specified. Returns an error if specified above 100
page : Default is 1. Specify pagination separated by limit
total : Default false. If true is specified, total_members (total number of users belonging to the group) is included in the response
role : Default true. Specify false to omit role information for each user and speed up processing

Request URL Sample

GET"User's email"&total=true

Response Sample

"members": [
"u_id": "User ID",
"username": "User Name",
"email": "User's email",
"profile_pic": "", //("Image storage area")
"confirmed": true, //("bool, whether this user has been confirmed")
"email_sent": true,//("bool, whether an email was sent to this user")
"is_sv": true //("bool, whether this user is a supervisor type, true=supervisor")
"user_roles": [],
"user_code": "User Code"
} //("An object is returned for each user")
"count": 1, //("Number of users returned in members")
"total_members": 10 //("Number of users in this group, included in the response if total=true is specified")