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Create a new user for the group


Creates a new user in the specified group



Request URL Format



Content-Type : application/json

Parameter NameDescriptionData TypeRequiredRemarks
emailEmail address to be added to the groupStringRequired
g_idID to identify the group to which the user is to be addedStringRequired
usernameUser name to be added to the groupString
send_password_to_emailSend registration completion email when API is executedbooleanDefault false
sender_addressArbitrary email address to be specified in the registration completion email fromString
no_confirm_emailOptional; if true, no confirmation mail is sent and the initial password (tmp_password) specified by the administrator is set.boolean
tmp_passwordIf no_confirm_email:true, specify the initial password by administratorString
invitor_idIf no_confirm_email:true, specifies the user ID from which the invitation originatedStringUse the password policy of the workspace to which this user belongs
conf_email_template_idTemplate ID for email notificationString
confirm_email_ackFlag to be notified via emailbooleantrue -> enabled, false -> disabled
exclusive_w_idWhen adding as a workspace-only user, specify the target workspace ID.String
user_codeSpecify a user code to share a single email address with multiple usersString

Payload Example

"email": "[email protected]",
"g_id": "Grp-pgI1GFDL"
"username": "Hexa_Taro",
"send_password_to_email": true,
"sender_address": "[email protected]"
"no_confirm_email": true,
"tmp_password": "123456",
"invitor_id": "5af30766baa8df0007918ed8",
"conf_email_template_id": string,
"confirm_email_ack": true,
"exclusive_w_id": "63c00e67be62647c659f8b4b",
"user_code": "UserCode12345"

Request URL Example


Response Example

"added": false, //("bool added or not")
"exists": false, //("bool already an existing user false=New, nonexistent new user")
"user_profile": { //("User profile object")
"confirmed": false, //("bool user email confirmed false=not confirmed on email")
"email": "登録されたユーザーのemail",
"email_sent": false, //("bool email has been sent. false=email has already been sent to the target email")
"profile_pics": [//("User Profile Image Objects")
"mediaLink": "" //("Location of images used in user profiles")
"u_id": "登録されたユーザーのID",
"username": "登録されたユーザー名"